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David Gates
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ver serie: David Gates Dr. Conrad Vine - Maine Campmeeting / Campamento en Maine con Sub
29-08-2024 7
What will our church become? A Remnant, Respectable or a Regime church that violates the consciences of its members? - - ¿En que se convertirá nuestra iglesia? Una iglesia...
ver serie: David Gates Uncle David reporting from Lima, Peru. ADvenir TV now broadcasting to 13 million people
31-01-2024 4
After years of prayers, God answers by granting us the privilege of Broadcasting Red ADvenir TV 24/7 to the megacity of Lima, Peru. This is the report.
ver serie: David Gates Plane crash in the Venezuelan jungles / Accidentado en avión en la Selva Venezolana con Sub
26-12-2023 8
Eleven days in the jungle until angels brought him food. The incredible survival story of Brother Carlos Arteaga. You will be inspired. See him live on Youtube (Sabado Especial) with...
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