
ver serie: GMI TV We Were Just NOT Prepared! - Part 1

30-12-2024 3
Pastor Kenny and Chris Shelton at Pioneer Fellowship Campmeeting in Benton, TN

ver serie: GMI TV Extreme Faith Report - David Gates - Dec 2024

28-12-2024 6
Get the latest news from Uncle David Gates and Brandtley Greenlaw

ver serie: GMI TV We Were Just NOT Prepared! - Part 2

06-12-2024 9
Pastor Kenny and Chris Shelton at Pioneer Fellowship Campmeeting in Benton, TN

ver serie: GMI TV Dancing with the Devil - Dr. Conrad Vine
30-08-2024 5
Dr. Conrad Vine talked about the antiChrist and how it will affect God's people.

ver serie: GMI TV Northern Maine Camp Meeting - Q&A Session, Aug. 17

17-08-2024 3
Northern Maine Camp Meeting - Q&A Session, Aug. 17

ver serie: GMI TV Dancing with the Devil & To Know - Sabbath Morning, Aug. 17

17-08-2024 5
Speakers: Conrad Vine & Walter Veith

ver serie: GMI TV Remnant, Respectable or Regime Church - Conrad Vine

16-08-2024 2
Remnant, Respectable or Regime Church - Conrad Vine

ver serie: GMI TV Mirror, Mirror - Walter Veith - Friday Evening, Aug. 16
16-08-2024 2
Speaker: Walter Veith

ver serie: GMI TV What's Up Prof in Northern Maine Camp Meeting

15-08-2024 2
Thursday Evening, Aug. 15 Speakers: Walter Veith & Martin Smith

ver serie: GMI TV Trampling on Conscience - Conrad Vine

15-08-2024 2
Subscribe to Dr. Conrad Vine YouTube channel (click) - Northern Maine Camp Meeting, Thursday Night, Aug. 15

ver serie: GMI TV Sabbath: The Universal Test - Walter Veith

14-08-2024 10
Northern Maine Camp Meeting Wednesday Evening Speakers: Prof. Walter Veith

ver serie: GMI TV Northern Main Camp meeting, Tuesday night: Walter Veith

13-08-2024 2
Tuesday night speaker: Walter Veith

ver serie: GMI TV Pr. David Gates - Crises in the Church

10-08-2024 5
#randyskeete #davidgates #adventistas #presenttruth #davidgates #sda #adventistas #endtimes #lastdayonearth #seventhdayadventist #christianity #solascriptura #grace #salvation #sabbath...

ver serie: GMI TV David Gates LIVE!

10-08-2024 2
#davidgates #presenttruth #sda #adventistas #endtimes #lastdayonearth #seventhdayadventist #christianity #solascriptura #grace #salvation #sabbath #dayofrest #gospel #mission #love...

ver serie: GMI TV - Sanctuary for Kids Sanctuary for Kids - VBS part 4

02-08-2024 3
Vacations Bible Schools - #presenttruth #davidgates #sda #adventistas #endtimes #lastdayonearth #seventhdayadventist #christianity #solascriptura #grace #salvation #sabbath #dayofrest...

ver serie: GMI TV - Sanctuary for Kids Sanctuary for Kids - VBS part 3

27-07-2024 4
Vacations Bible Schools - #presenttruth #davidgates #sda #adventistas #endtimes #lastdayonearth #seventhdayadventist #christianity #solascriptura #grace #salvation #sabbath #dayofrest...

ver serie: GMI TV - Sanctuary for Kids Sanctuary for Kids - VBS part 2

20-07-2024 3
Vacations Bible Schools - #presenttruth #davidgates #sda #adventistas #endtimes #lastdayonearth #seventhdayadventist #christianity #solascriptura #grace #salvation #sabbath #dayofrest...

ver serie: GMI TV - Sanctuary for Kids Sanctuary for Kids - Health Lesson and Sanctuary Symbols - VBS part 1

13-07-2024 3
Vacations Bible Schools - #presenttruth #davidgates #sda #adventistas #endtimes #lastdayonearth #seventhdayadventist #christianity #solascriptura #grace #salvation #sabbath #dayofrest...

ver serie: GMI TV Pr. James Volpe - A Brighter Look at Death

18-05-2024 6
r. James Volpe - A Brighter Look at Death - GMI-TV

ver serie: GMI TV The Red ADvenir Miracle - Richard Carrera

12-04-2024 3
Richard Carrera is the Red ADvenir Television director.

ver serie: GMI TV David Gates Message on Feb 3, 2024
05-02-2024 3
David Gates address more about his message on January 6, 2024.

ver serie: GMI TV David Gates Mission Report - New TV Station in Lima, Peru

02-02-2024 16
After 35 years of waiting and praying, a new TV station is now broadcasting to over 13 million Peruvians in Lima, Peru! All glory to God!

ver serie: GMI TV As in the Days of Noah - David Gates - January 20, 2024

20-01-2024 3
As in the Days of Noah by Pastor David Gates on January 20, 2024s

ver serie: GMI TV A Day in the Life of a student Missionary - Familia Feliz

02-12-2023 12
What's it like to be a student missionary in an orphanage in South America? - - For more mission stories... - SUBSCRIBE to FrontLines TV: YT/frontlinestv1844(click) - LIKE us on Facebook:...

ver serie: GMI TV In His steps - David Gates

16-09-2023 14
In His Steps by David Gates Sabbath Message 9-16-23

ver serie: GMI TV You Never Failed Me (Di Ka Nagkulang)

03-09-2023 6
An english version of the popular Tagalog gospel song, "Di Ka Nagkulang." - Composed by: Huly Ray Asidor - Original Lyrics by: Tony Rodeo - Cover by: Brandtley Greenlaw - ...

ver serie: GMI TV Around the World Report - David Gates

17-05-2023 2
Extreme Faith Report May 2023. David Gates updating on challenges faced, upcoming plans and updates from around the world. - - Mission Pilot E-Book PDF FREE!! - Click on E-Books - (click)

ver serie: GMI TV Father's Day Promo

11-05-2023 3
Blueprint For Men's Father Day Special Promotion!! - "The greatest want of the world is the want of men-men who will not be bought or sold; men who in their inmost souls are true...

ver serie: GMI TV Investment for Eternity - David Gates, April 29, 2023

29-04-2023 5
Investment for Eternity by David Gates on April 29, 2023

ver serie: GMI TV No Greater Love Than This - David Gates, April 22, 2023

22-04-2023 2
No Greater Love Than This - David Gates, April 22, 2023

ver serie: GMI TV Can the Majority Be Mistaken? - David Gates

15-04-2023 7
Can the Majority Be Mistaken? Message on April 15, 2023

ver serie: GMI TV Where are your Children - Eduardo Merlos
09-04-2023 1
"...where is the flock that was given thee, thy beautiful flock?" (Jeremiah 13:20)

ver serie: GMI TV Who Shall Be Able to Stand? - Pastor David Gates

26-03-2023 2
Who Shall Be Able to Stand? Pastor David Gates' message on March 25, 2023. He touched on the subject about the 15-minute cities, collapse of banks, and many others. - #presenttruth...

ver serie: GMI TV Mission Report by David Gates - December 2022

10-02-2023 3
Pastor David Gates gives report about: 1. The situation in South America. - 2. Battles of Faith 2022 (Recent and Future Plans) - 3. Light Channels Future Plans - 4. Social Media Restrictions...

ver serie: GMI TV Bread and Water, Not Cake and Soft Drinks - Pr. Richard Gates

17-12-2022 3
Richard Gates messages entitled, "Bread and Water, Not Cake and Soft Drinks."
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